Thursday, January 23, 2014

There's an A's fan! .. Nope + Sorry Ed!

Apparently in South Korea, folks wear MLB hats for fashion, without having any knowledge of the team on the hat they're wearing, its players, location, etc. I could've sworn I saw a girl in the subway wearing a purple/pink A's hat earlier that day, but I convinced myself that this was a ridiculous notion to consider, and was simply not the case.

The guys in the photo do know of Choo and Ryu, and they swore that Hines Ward was at least half Korean. But seriously.. having no knowledge of these teams and their locations, what were the chances that these k-bros picked hats from the two crosstown Bay area rivals?! Crazy. I suppose it'd be somewhere in the neighborhood of (1/30)*(1/30).

I made sure to let the A's bro know he made an excellent choice, and to rib the bro wearing the SF Giants hat pretty good. His friends definitely had a good laugh at his expense when I explained that the Giants and their fans are mostly a$$holes.. and then they put my bag on their cart of bags so I didn't have to carry it all the way through the check-in line - now that's some Southern [Korean] Hospitality!

One final note about my new Korean bros from the check-in line.. I did get them to confirm that characters on the cool Korean hat I bought did in fact mean "bad guy,"and they even laughed when I showed it to them.. and now I want to keep it even more. Sorry Ed!

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