Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Korean War Memorial

After lunch, my goal was to visit Korean War Memorial museum since it was named one of the top tourist attractions in the city on every list I saw - and it did not disappoint. Having not known much of the history of the war and all of its participants, I found the museum not only extremely informative but technologically and visually impressive as well.

There were three main sections/exhibits, each highlighting parts of the war, which took place from 1950-1953 after North Korea unexpectedly invaded South Korea. It was really incredible how many countries got involved from around the world to intervene in a battle on such a relatively small peninsula. Each country had its own display detailing its contributions to the RoK during the war with respect to troops, finances, and medical assistance. One of the more surprising countries on the list was India, but instead of troops and weapons, they sent a handful of doctors - I guess stick with what you're good at.. right Tap?  Regardless, it was nice of them to contribute, and their efforts were appreciated by our South Korean friends.

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