Monday, January 20, 2014

Flight to Seoul + Arrival

Thanks to House of Cards, the 14-hour flight was a breeze.  I watched 11 and 1/2 episodes and slept for a few hours, and I was in Seoul before I knew it.  Unfortunately, that might've been a bit too much House of Cards, and not enough sleep - when I got to my hotel around 6, I basically passed out for the night.. woke up and finished House of Cards around 1am, then slept from 3 till 6:30 or so.  My hope is that I'm now magically adjusted to the time change.

Oh, and House of Cards was awesome.  Love Kate Mara - but go figure.. I come all this way and fall for a cracker girl. Also, before I went to bed I did some light tindering and had some preliminary success.  More updates on this to come.  Hotel room is relatively small, but it has heated floor tiles and the best part - a heated toilet seat! Why don't we have these in the states? I want one.

Fast forward to lunch time on Tuesday - I just had some kimchi fried rice with bacon at Dinehall, the place next to my hotel (Shin Shin), and now I'm ready for some sightseeing.

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