Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl XLVIII from Vang Vieng, Laos

I'm watching the Superbowl from Vang Vieng, Laos. It kicks off around 6:30am here, and it's a slightly different experience than your run-of-the-mill Superbowl.

First, Thai broadcasters are speaking over their American counterparts, but I can still somewhat hear the broadcast in English.

Second, it looks like the market for Superbowl advertising isn't quite the same in southeast Asia as it is in the states - I've seen the same commercial at least ten times for a charity called, promoting energy conservation in response to climate change and other issues.. then four BNP Paribas commercials, and one Ford commercial. That's it for the entire first half. Through the first quarter, I actually wondered if they even sold advertising, because they just kept replaying the same commercial, but then BNP Paribas saved the day with a minute or two remaining in the quarter.

Also, I had it muted because my roommate was sleeping.. but it looked like Broadway Joe jumped the gun on the coin toss before anyone made the call for heads or tails.. and it looked like a nice kick-save by the ref to catch that coin before it hit the ground.

Unfortunately, I'm leaving at the end of the first half to go tubing/kayaking and exploring through some caves here. Fortunately, I'm leaving to go tubing/kayaking and exploring through some caves here.. and this game isn't even close - 22-0 at the half. Ouch.

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